Friday, January 14, 2011

Yarny Jars for Pammy Sue :)

I still can't find them all. But here are the ones I have on my desk. Pammy Sue posted yesterday about collecting yarn scraps in a jar. I have saved them for many years in mason jars just because they are so colorful. The first one is just Christmas colored scraps.And buttons go in jars too:)
This one I'm still working on.
If you stuff them until a big blob of scraps pops out when you open the lid and not one more could possible fit, then it looks really neat! The yarn gets all smooshed against the glass. :)

You can also tell what scraps go with projects you did. The one below on the right was scraps from my babette, and the big afghan I did that went to Colorado.


  1. So cool! I love them! Thanks for showing us (me).

  2. Oh, I'm doing the same thing! :) Working on my first jar so far, it looks beautiful!

  3. Hello Carol, Love your jars of scraps. Very colorful indeed. I have just started one of these too and quess what I plan to do with them. Give them to the birds in the Spring to make their nest. VBG Hugs Judy

  4. I once read where a person saved their yarnscraps for stuffing little amigurumi, etc. Mine are in an old plastic container that used to hold a chocolate drink mix~ I love repurposing. Anyway, putting them in a clear jar looks really pretty. I might have to give that a try.

  5. Great Idea, they look so nice and cheerful. I going to have a go at one.

  6. Yes, buttons in jars. Yarn scraps, hmm, maybe. Could be a possibility. LOL.


  7. hi what a great idea i can't bring myself to throw away scraps of yarn but would never have thought to put them all in a jar thanks for sharing

  8. Since Pammy mentioned it, I have got one going too! It is a pretty pop of color!! To think I have been throwing away all that pretty color!!! Love your blog!

  9. You got a great idea, the jar are lovely with those colors. Love it!
