Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Crochet & Other Stuff :)

Here is a Christmas tree skirt I finished today, well...except for those pesky ends :) It's done in Red Heart White, and Hobby Lobby's I Love this Yarn Red & Christmas Variegated. I have trouble getting reds and whites to come out natural looking on my camera. I really looks nice though. Would probably look better taken in house with flash.

 It was oddly warm today here in Upstate NY, 70 degrees! Where is the snow??? So, I took some pics around here. This is the corn wagon, basically our heat for the winter in the pellet stove. A small amount of wood pellets gets mixed in too. We grow and pick the corn, and eventually when it's dry enough, we shell it on a sheller in the barn that is probably more than 100 years old.
 Zoe, enjoying the warm sun.

 The view out back of the pasture. Where are those cows?
 One of the little guys being cute :)

 The kittens always come running when they see me....

 My horse Willie. He would not look up for anything! He hates his picture taken, and usually sticks his tongue out for it!
 The view down our road...
 Spirit, trying to get Zoe to play.
 And last but not least, Milo. He is now the oldest cat at about 12 years old.


  1. The tree skirt turned out beautifully. Thanks for sharing your furbaby pictures!

  2. Your tree skirt is magnificent! What a wonderful family heirloom!! How many acres do you have? It looks like you live in a wonderful area.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. oh I love the Christmas tree skirt. :) And Milo I think needs a little diet... cute is he and your doggie. I love the scenery photos around your place. :) Debb

  4. Hello,
    Christmas ceiling looks pretty. I love animals and I have two cats and one dog, the pictures are beautiful,
    hug Crissi

  5. I loved seeing the pictures of your place and your fur babies! Love that Christmas tree skirt and would love to make one. I want to make everything I see time for it all.
