Friday, May 17, 2013

Oldies But Goodies

I was digging through my stash of afghans i've made over the last decade. Here is two favorites out on the grass;)

This is also a test post from my new smartphone. If it works ok I will be able to post updates more often:)


  1. Beautiful back drop for the rugs, very pretty colours :))

  2. Wow! Such great photos. Especially the second one with the yellow in the afghan and the pretty yellow wildflowers. :) Best wishes, Tammy

  3. Such nice plaids!
    Especially the star wich is perfection!
    The colors are so beautifull.
    and the nature around is magic to me... ..waouh !!!
    I am a great lover of nature,
    I also live in the country-side ( in Belgium)
    Very nice crochet realisations you have made,
    bravo! FleurBelge
