Friday, November 5, 2010

Queen Ann's Lace Scarf

I finally tried this pattern a few days ago. I don't think the variegated colors look as good as solid colors. It's hard to really see the details and pattern with multi color yarn. I just might have to try a solid color one next!

This WAS going to be a gift for someone, but I was told they didn't like scarves! It may just end up in my Etsy shop.


  1. LOL Nancy, you almost beat me to my idea.... I do think this one would look OK with jeans, maybe a white top etc.... I'm more partial to the solid colors myself but this one isn't bad.

    I have one on etsy myself, working on another one or two, one for a gift the other for etsy. Someone may like it- give it a try! I'm using simply soft or sport weight yarn for mine and they turn out much better....

    Nice work!!

  2. Hello Nancy! I love your new scarf! And the blue colour is beautiful. It's in my 'list to make'.
    Have a nice day! TEje

  3. Wow it's beautiful. How can she not like scarves?? I love them, I have a massive collection but it doesn't stop me collecting patterns to make more!
