Saturday, January 15, 2011


I've been in a flower mood lately. Maybe because I can't wait till spring now so all this ice cold white stuff is gone outside! My first pansies were made from this book.They look ok, but somethings just not right about them....
So I tried them from this book....
Now these look much better. Bad pic tho. I just don't know what to do with them. :)


  1. I've never liked crocheted pansies. They just look too weird to me and not like a flower at all. I guess I just don't like pansies.

    I'm linking to your yarny jars on my blog today. Love them. I'm tempted to just cut up some yarn and throw it in my jar to fill it up! That would be cheating though, huh? Not as much fun as the real thing a little at a time.

  2. LOL you are funny Pammy sue! Is it Texas you live? Not sure I remember right....if you were closer to frozen upstate NY I'd give ya one of mine :) I still dunno where the rest of my jars are!
    And yea, pansies are kinda strange looking, more so crocheted. But I've been bored with nothing to crochet for anybody lately.

  3. Dear Nancy,

    your Flowers are very cute and i love the Colours...beautiful Crochetwork!

    Send you many Greetings,

  4. I agree with Marion, these pansies are beautiful! I've read somewhere else that the pansies were a bit of a chore to do up so I commend you because they look fantastic. In my next post I am also doing something with flowers and I bet you could use the same idea using your flowers. So, drop by soon and have a look. In the meantime why not enter my giveaway for a CSN $50 gift certificate...your chances are pretty good.

  5. Love all the different colors used in your pansies. So pretty.

  6. Hi Nancy,

    I've just come across your blog and I adore your crochet work! I'm quite impressed by the huge pieces you are making!

    I'm a pansy fan and I really like the second version, too!

    What other flowers are in that book you took them from? Maybe I could try to get it in Germany, too....

    I look forward to your next projects!

