Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Uh oh, now what do I do????

Ugh. A crocheters nightmare. I made this shells afghan, 3 large panels. I was very careful about counting stitches (ch 265 in beg) and double checked...... and when I started putting the 3 panels together, they just didn't match. Never had this happen before.......


  1. That is a nightmare indeed!! But I am totally in love with the shells and the colours. So pretty!

  2. Very beautiful pattern, but how to fix it? Looking at the first photo: the top and bottom pieces seem to be about the same size. If they do match, then you'll only have to deal with the one in the middle.

  3. i suggest you to center them, begin joining by the middle, and make a different border at the end
    nice patern, did you created it?

  4. I love the colors! Did you happen to pick up the wrong hook when you did the middle one? I bet you were sick when you saw that. I would be. I'd also be so disgusted with myself that I would put it away to deal with some other day. :o)That's just me though.

  5. oh no! Was it down to tension? I'm no expert, but if you pull the middle panel into the centre of the other two, could you do a large scallop/wiggly border? I'm thinking of a large "w" shape (But curved) at each end, and somehow follow that through to the side borders?

  6. It looks to me like you are short one shell in the center panel. I count 27 shells in the side panels (the center green) and 26 in the center panel. I counted the end partial shells as one each. Can you stretch it slightly so you can match the ends. I've had to do this sometimes with sweater sleeves, when they don't match the shoulder exactly. Other than that, I'm afraid the only answer I can think of is start the center panel again :( I know it is heartbreaking!

  7. Oh how frustrating. That happened to me with a blanket that I made my boyfriend for Christmas. I ended up adding a black border all the way around it , filling in the extra space with black and making some corresponding extra black areas as well for a geometric effect that almost looks intentional.

    It looks like you put A LOT of work into this. The colors are great. I hope you figure out a solution.

  8. I love the colors and think the blanket would look beautiful if everything matched up. When I've had this problem it is because I don't keep my tension consistent for each row or panel. It looks like that might have happened here. The only way I know to fix it, is pull out the stitches and start over. I wish I had a better answer for you. There is nothing more frustrating than having to pull it apart and start over. :-(
