Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Afghan Finished!

I Finished my Wool-eater CAL in the Sarah London Flickr group. I did 16 rows of colors I had to give it a rainbow look. Isn't it beautiful?? :)

 Even the backside looks neat!
 Then I cleaned out some of my yarn scrap tubs, added the small amounts to my giant yarn ball. It's growing!
 Not one scrap of yarn is wasted around here :) Little ends go in mason jars for colorful displays (you must pack it super tight for that 'yarniful' artwork look ), and the longer pieces and small balls of colors that I can't use for anything else go on this giant ball. Don't yet know what it will become, but it needs to grow BIGGER!


  1. Oh my goodness, that is gorgeous. The placement of colors you chose is stunning - great job!

  2. OOOOOhhhhhh Talk about color! Great Job- that is so pretty!

  3. I love this pattern done in rainbow colors. Gorgeous! :D I just blogged about my Wool Eater CAL. I'm doing the oblong one this time around. :)

  4. It looks very pretty with all the rainbow colors. :)

  5. That is beautiful, I'm so tempted to do one of these blankets :)

  6. Oh my word!.. And here I was just a moment or two ago, checking this CAL out, thinking "hmmm.. Do I want to join in?".. and here you are ALL FINISHED??! I can't believe it!.. Well, your afghan certainly looks beautiful, and I LOVE your colors!... I'm a little hesitant to start one, as I'm wondering how MUCH yarn I will need to INVEST in to do the final outer rounds.. Still it's something new and different I haven't tried yet; and as cold as it's getting lately, I think my favorite project to make is afghans!! I can curl up in it while I'm MAKING it!! ~tina

  7. Oh my gooooooodness.. I love that blanket.. the colors and the stitch.. BRAVO.. aMAYzing!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  8. Wonderful! I love love love it!

  9. Oh so beautiful and lovely color!

  10. I absolutely love your rainbow blanket. I can't wait to make one for myself. :)

  11. Wow wow wow!!! This is so beautiful. Yummy colours and amazing crochet. I am working my way through a neckwarmer right now and haven't even the foggiest idea how to change yarn colours nevermind make something as incredible as this. I will add this to my aspirations board as something to work towards. Simply wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

  12. OMG Nancy! This is so gorgeous! You are fast. I want to try this pattern and it is on my list of "Must Crochet 2012". Beautiful colors. Nice work!

  13. Wow that looks amazing! I love the rainbow effect :)

  14. Wow!!! Gorgeous blanket!!!

    I also put my cut pieces of yarn into Mason jars around the house. I love the "homey" look of it :)

    Are you tieing your yarn together for the yarn ball???

  15. Your afghan is beautiful! I love the colors. :)

    Blessings always

  16. Beautiful afghan! I love your colour choices!

  17. I love the afghan,I am yet to start this one. just a thought,the lil birdies would love some of your small scraps for nest making.

  18. beautiful afghan and so colorful, I like the idea of adding scraps added to jars, that is a great idea, I usually add my buttons to jars for designs, but I just got an idea from what you are doing, I have a wine craf

  19. love your yarn ball no yarn scrap get wasted here to might also do a post on my scrap yarn ball.

  20. that is an amazing bkanket, wonderful colours but what stitch have you used? I cant make it out

  21. I love colors and I love this rainbow throw. The stitch is so interesting and goes with the colors just beautifully. Well done my dear!

  22. Hi Nancy, what a gorgeous 'ghan! Wow, it IS really pretty. That's a big yarn ball. Did ya knot up the ends onto each other really tight? If ya did, you could always make some squares for charity or a colorful blanket for your car. Just sayin'. I really like your heart (the one you didn't write down the pattern for). The Easter bunny doily is really cute. I'm gonna go and check out the vid. How fun to have your work in a vid with C. Perri. Hope your new year is fantastic.

  23. This is so pretty. I have wanted to try this pattern but it seems intimidating to me. Beautiful beautiful.

  24. It looks lovely in rainbow colours!!! Amazing!

  25. The colours are beautiful, I really like the way it turned out.
